1 min read

The most popular dApps are just infrastructure

ENS, Uniswap, OpenSea, and their various competitors are just infrastructure. Hear me out.

If blockchain is just about money, then these dApps make sense as the primary user facing applications. Even when you manage your money outside of web3, there's not much else you need to do. Managing and trading assets covers a lot of it. Decentralized liabilities are the biggest missing piece.

But how often do you actually use your bank's app, trade stocks, etc.? For most people, it's not often. Just a couple times a week at most in between Netflix, TikTok, and video games.

If blockchain is about more than money (which I believe) then getting a user name or trading assets is not enough. Any successful web2 app wouldn't stop there. That would just be one feature in a much broader context like a game, a social app, or even something fairly niche.

Getting a username is pretty much always the first thing you do.

If trading is part of the app, it's usually a pretty minor feature. For example, World of Warcraft allows you to buy and sell items at auction or just trade with other players. No one signs up to play the game just so they can play with the auction system.

Again, because crypto assets are inherently real money, dApps don't need to do more than one thing well to be successful.

But the next generation of popular dApps will have to weave together multiple of these infrastructure-level dApps into more cohesive experiences.


P.S. KAP is infrastructure. I believe that in the future 90%+ of all KAP names will be registered through other dApps. Users won't have to know that KAP is the registry for their username any more than they'll need to know that Koinos is the blockchain where their in-app actions are being recorded as transactions.