Fake money, real risk
Whenever you make an investment, you're using real money. You could have used it to buy groceries and
Three KEY Steps to Becoming a Web3 Entrepreneur
👋Today's newsletter was written by Kui He. Enjoy! -Luke
Koinos is in need of more entrepreneurs that can
Guaranteed profit
Transaction costs are variable. That's why gas fees on Ethereum can sometimes cost hundreds of dollars for simple
Products become features
TikTok is an entire product. YouTube and Facebook copy that functionality as just one feature in a larger app.
How do subscriptions work with crypto?
Everyone uses subscriptions. You hand over your credit card details and the money is automatically charged each month. But crypto
🤨 how is this free?
dApps that want to attract people who are new to crypto need to offer free access. These users don'
Authority functions
Every software system has to plan for authorities. Who should have access? How will they prove who they are? What
Idle games on blockchain
Most games allow you to progress by actually playing the game. You can step away for 5 minutes or 5