1 min read

Money is opportunity

When explaining the Koinos mana system, I usually describe it as opportunity cost. Most blockchains have fees: a monetary cost. Allowing you to keep your money, Koinos charges you time in the form of temporarily locked tokens.

But at a certain scale, these two models aren't all that different. If you spend some money, now you can't spend that money on something else. That's an opportunity cost. If you have enough money, you're earning new money through investments. So, you have a regenerating supply of opportunities.

The big difference is for smaller holders and people without any money.

Small holders aren't typically earning more crypto than they're spending on fees. So, for any non-rich person who's not an early adopter, using blockchain is costly. They're better off just holding and waiting. They don't get to use the cool dApps being built. Any activity is a luxury.

People without crypto aren't even potential customers for most dApps. DApps can't afford to pay fees for random people who probably won't even become paying customers later. This type of model only makes sense with centralization.

OR with non-fee systems like Koinos. DApps don't need to hold huge bags and earn additional profit through investing to fund free transactions. That's built into the blockchain's DNA.


P.S. holding $KOIN is commiting to be a responsible resource allocator.