1 min read


Lots of games are expensive to get into competitively. Trading card games like Magic, Pokemon, etc. are often like this. Anyone can get an inexpensive deck of cards and enjoy playing the game with their friends, but if you want to compete in tournaments or just win more games against your friends, you can very quickly spend hundreds of dollars on better cards.

One feature of physical card games is that you don't necessarily have to buy the cards yourself. If your friend has put together a few decks or just has some cards they're not actively using, you can borrow the cards and be just as competitive as if you spent the money.

This experience is rarely replicated in video games. Most games only issue cards/items from publisher to player with no support for player to player transfers. Games that do support item transfers typically only allow for free or paid transfers. Concepts like borrowing and renting are left out.

Games built on blockchain have these capabilities out of the box. You don't need to build these features custom.

Blockchain critics often take issue with the focus on scarcity and exclusivity, but these characteristics are specific choices made by projects. Blockchain's default is freedom.


P.S. Is freedom always better?