1 min read

Why Discord sucks (new pod!) + annual review

If you've spent any amount of time in crypto communities, you know every single one uses Discord and Telegram. These tools are the de facto standard for communication about blockchain, but neither of them was built for crypto specifically. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, either. Each tool does its job well, but that's where it stops. Most blockchain communities have other needs that are handled by other apps. Voting on governance proposals, documenting community norms, gating areas for token holders, etc.

This is where console.xyz comes in. They're building a crypto-native alternative to Discord. This week on the podcast, I got to talk with Chris Castig about Console and the issues they're solving for web3 communities.

Give it a listen!


P.S. The Koin Press is 1 year old! Thanks for your support this first year. It's been a lot of fun keeping this going. I've met so many great people through the podcast and improved my writing greatly ever since I sent my first newsletter. Bit self indulgent, but here's the numbers for my first year:

I published 38 episodes of the podcast, which were downloaded 2,882 times.

I sent 218 newsletters for a total of 23,867 emails. Ending the year with 136 subscribers and a 54.77% average email open rate.

Honestly, I missed a lot of days, so I wanted to document this publicly so I can compare year over year. Thanks again for your support. Here's to another great year!