1 min read

Avoid Crypto Scams

In case you missed it, last week, I published a podcast interview with Jason Pearson, founder of Analysis On Chain -- a community built for helping you avoid crypto scams. JP's business offers proactive risk assessments of blockchain and DeFi protocols to its members. They also help investigate scams after the fact to attempt to recover funds in the best case, or when possible uncover information about the scammers that can be handed over to authorities.

JP and I met as a result of their report on the Koinos blockchain. I didn't know it at the time we set up the interview, but Koinos is actually their highest scoring project they've reviewed. With a 91%, Jason looks very favorably at Koinos, but it's important to recognize that nothing in crypto is risk free. Even if you fully trust a blockchain, you still must be very careful about using its dApps.

In this episode of the podcast, we talk about how Analysis On Chain conducts their investigations and look at a couple real reports they've created (including Koinos).

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P.S. After the first part of the interview, Jason started sharing his screen, so if you want to see the report and not just listen to us talk to it, you can watch the last half of the interview on YouTube (first half is only on podcast):